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Zhengjia Enterprise Services (Shanghai) Center

admin6个月前 (09-21)47
Zhengjia Enterprise Services (Shanghai) Center
Zhengjia Enterprise Services (Shanghai) Center, rooted in the industrial real estate sector, is a high-tech company specializing in industrial real estate information services. The company was founded...

G0518 宝山罗泾 沪太公路宝钱公路 1800㎡带行车厂房仓库出租

admin6个月前 (09-21)48
G0518 宝山罗泾 沪太公路宝钱公路 1800㎡带行车厂房仓库出租
 编号: G0518 宝山罗泾 沪太公路宝钱公路一带1800㎡带行车,层高9米,单价0.7元 如有兴趣请记好编号,并加微信:13391219793 和葛老师沟通 ▲我们承诺通过我们寻找厂房仓库土地办公楼项目 ★全程免费★...